Rasmussen, K. M., & Yaktine, A. L. (Eds.), (2009). Weight gain during pregnancy: reexamining the guidelines. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. National Eating Disorders Organization: www.edap.org. National Heart, Lung, and Blood ...
A comprehensive guide that provides all the information necessary to conduct a holistic health assessment across the life span.
... -54 -21 5341 -52+ 95 90 -51-20 50-7 75 50 -54 用 E TA + 52D 205.1 C 50 1 R 49 c 19 U 48+ M +47 E. R E IN 44 С E 25 10 -49+ 1-19 ... Adapted from : Hamill PVV , Drizd TA , Johnson CL , Reed RB , Roche AF , Moore WM : Physical growth ...
雖然所有的護理模式描述的都是同樣的 4 種概念,但每種模式著重的焦點或強調的重點卻不盡相同,例如 Orem 氏模式( 1995 )著重的焦點是自我照顧, Roy 氏模式( 1984 )則強調適應過程, Leininger 氏模式( 1993 ) ...
Dynamic, interactive videos depict the most commonly performed physical exam procedures for each body system.
Corresponding to the best-selling Jarvis textbook, this guide features reading assignments, terminology reviews, application activities, review questions, clinical learning objectives, regional write-up sheets, and narrative summary forms, ...
This is the seventh edition of a comprehensive guide that provides all the information necessary to conduct a holistic health assessment across the life span.
This gold standard in physical exam reflects what is going on in nursing today with coverage of emerging trends and new evidence-based content. It's easy to see why this text is, far and away, #1 in this market!
Physical Examination and Health Assessment
Physical Examination and Health Assessment
With exercises and questions in varying formats, key terms, learning objectives, and regional write-up forms, this workbook may be used as a study guide to reinforce understanding or as a...
The Canadian edition of Carolyn Jarvis' renowned textbook, Physical Examination & Health Assessment, provides a comprehensive approach to health assessment from a Canadian perspective.
This volume is geared toward BSN nursing students and practising nurses, and provides the information necessary to carry out holistic health assessment across the lifespan.
Easy-to read guide to physical examination, interviewing and health history recording. Provides fully illustrated methods of examination with a 2-column format showing the relationship between normal and abnormal findings.
This is a Pageburst digital textbook; With an easy-to-read approach and unmatched learning support, Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 6th Edition offers a clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical exam across the lifespan.