For a course serving prospective and in-service early childhood program administrators This text provides specific guidance on planning for, implementing, marketing, and evaluating programs serving children from birth through school age.
With a focus on what center directors need to know and what they need to be able to do, the book guides readers through the process of identifying a program’s core values and drafting mission and vision statements.
Planning and Administering Early Childhood Programs
For the introductory course in Early Childhood Program Administration This practical and leading text offers a solid overview of what is involved in carefully planning and running quality early childhood...
With a focus on what center directors need to know and what they need to be able to do, the book guides readers through the process of identifying a program's core values and drafting mission and vision statements.
Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText.
Based on a solid foundation of research, this text provides a wealth of strategies, tools, templates, and resources which make it an indispensible guide.
This structured book offers a solid overview of the types of early childhood programs available today, and explores all aspects of their administration. Rooted in the philosophy that thoughtful planning...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
With that in mind, this text addresses all aspects of program administration, taking readers from the earliest stages of planning the facility and identifying the program's goals, through program implementation and evaluation.
Planning and Administering Early Childhood Programs