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This book provides students with a comprehensive overview of the practical and theoretical skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programs in a variety of settings.
The Fifth Edition features updated information throughout, including new theories and models such as the Healthy Action Process Approach (HAPA) and the Community Readiness Model (CRM), sections on grant writing and preparing a budget, real ...
This work provides background and application information needed to plan, implement and evaluate health promotion programmes in a variety of settings. Programmes in the areas of community health, medical care...
1. Health Education, Health Promotion, Health Educators, and Program Planning Part One: Planning a Health Promotion Program 2.
Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs
The Fifth Edition features updated information throughout, including new theories and models such as the Healthy Action Process Approach (HAPA) and the Community Readiness Model (CRM), sections on grant writing and preparing a budget, real ...
The book provides excellent examples and activities for application of Program Planning as well as ties in each step so the final process makes sense.
Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer provides health education students with the comprehensive background and application information needed to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programs in...