Plant Roots

  • Plant Roots: Growth, Activity and Interactions with the Soil
    By Peter J. Gregory

    Farina, M.P.W., Thomas, P.E.L. and Channon, P. (1985) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium effects on the incidence of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in maize. ... Hetrick, B.A.D. (1991) Mycorrhizas and root architecture.

  • Plant Roots: The Hidden Half, Fourth Edition
    By Amram Eshel, Tom Beeckman

    In Löve A, ed. Chromosome number and cytokinin to roots on the formation of tuberous roots in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) ... Brassica rapa L. [Internet] Record tivated plants (Translated by KS Chester). ... Toxopeus H, Oost EH.

  • Plant Roots
    By Ertan Yildirim, Metin Turan, Melek Ekinci

    Principles of Horticultural Physiology. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, ISBN 978-1-78064306 9. 2013. [116] Hasanuzzaman M, Nahar K, Fujita M. Extreme temperatures responses, oxidative stress and antioksidant defence in plants. Chapter 6. InTech.

  • Plant Roots: The Hidden Half, Third Edition
    By Amram Eshel, Tom Beeckman, Yoav Waisel

    Root. Architecture—Wheat. as. a. Model. Plant. Günther G.B.Manske and Paul L.G.Vlek Center for Development Research, ... This chapter describes the morphology, physiology, ecology, and function of wheat roots, and reviews the current ...

  • Plant Roots: The Hidden Half, Fourth Edition
    By Amram Eshel, Tom Beeckman

    It implies that these plants might use different strategies to guide the young primordium through the mother root tissues. In maize, cortex cells collapse and their cytoplasm is broken down, while the lignified epidermis stays intact ...

  • Plant Roots: The Hidden Half
    By Amram Eshel, Yoav Waisel, U. Kafkafi

    This much-needed Second Edition of a standard resource offers a state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary presentation of plant roots - examining structure and development, assemblage of root systems, metabolism and growth, stressful environments,...

  • Plant Roots: The Hidden Half
    By Amram Eshel, Yoav Waisel, U. Kafkafi

    Forty chapters each independent of the others, with overlap minimized by cross-referencing represent a variety of disciplines with the goal of reviewing the literature on the structure and function of...