Ancient Greeks: Creating the Classical Tradition. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1997. Bio. “Plato.” Retrieved November 19, 2014 (http:// Buchanan, Scott, ed. The Portable Plato.
A new translation of Plato's Laws into accessible English, with essential introductory and other explanatory material.
The Statesman is Plato's neglected political work, but it is crucial for an understanding of the development of his political thinking.
Presents the most important of the Socratic dialogues as if it were a conversation; deals with the creation of an ideal commonwealth and ranks as one of the earliest Utopian works.
This book provides an English commentary on the Greek text of this important work, giving full assistance with literary, linguistic and philosophical questions. The last such edition of the Protagoras was first published over a century ago.
Plato's Phaedo, complete with introduction, text and commentary.
This is a completely new translation of one of the great works of Western political thought. In addition to Tom Griffith's vivid, dignified and accurate rendition of Plato's text, this edition is suitable for students at all levels.
The Apologies (or Defence Speeches) by Plato and Xenophon are rival accounts of how, at his trial, Socrates defended himself and his philosophy. This edition brings together both Apologies within a single volume.
The first modern edition of Plato's Alcibiades, aimed at both students and scholars.
English translations of "Gorgias" and "Rhetoric", which, by juxtaposing the two texts, creates an interesting "conversation" Plato's questioning of what is problematic in rhetoric and Aristotle's response on what makes rhetoric useful.
This edition contains the first commentary in English on the Greek text for almost a hundred years.
This is the first critical edition to be published in nearly seventy years and the first ever commentary in English.
This edition provides an accessible and engaging new translation by M. C. Howatson, and a substantial introduction, by Frisbee C. C. Sheffield, which guides the reader through the various parts of the dialogue and reflects on its central ...
Examples of PLATO Programs To further clarify and exemplify the operation of PLATO , two general categories of ... Second , PLATO learning management , PLATO's operation as a computer - managed instruction system , is described .
Plato: In Twelve Volumes
Plato: In Twelve Volumes
Plato: Statesman. Philebus. Ion
Plato: A Collection of Critical Essays, vol 1
... the first by Miller ( 1980 ) , the second by Scodel ( 1987 ) .30 Both of these authors discover drama by ... as a parody of the Elcatic Stranger , who speaks not for Plato - as I have assumed - but against him , while for Miller ...