The book defends these characterizations by arguing that they explain important features of Plato's epistemology.
The book defends these characterizations by arguing that they explain important features of Plato's epistemology.
The condensed texts in this book are taken from six books: the Meno, Phaedo, Republic, Parmenides, Theaetetus (Plato's major work on epistemology), and Sophist.
Plato's thought evolves from the epistemology of the Meno, Phaedo, and Republic to the Combined Doctrine of the Theaetetus. The Combined Doctrine maintains that both Forms and certain objects rooted...
Plato's Epistemology presents an original interpretation of one of the central topics in Plato's work: epistemology. Moss argues, against the grain of much modern scholarship, that Plato's epistemology is radically different from our own.