The newly updated Pocket Emergency Medicine, 3rd Edition is full of the essential information every emergency department clinician should have at their side at all times.
... CXR for pulm edema, ECG for e/o LVH, RH strain Treatment Elevate lower extremities, provide support hose No evidence that diuretics help Disposition Home after reassurance, PCP f/u Pearl Dx of exclusion Heat Rash (Prickly Heat, ...
... prior hospitalizations/psych hx; psychiatric medications; physical/sexual abuse • Suicidal/homicidal ideation: access to weapons, plan, prior SI/HI or attempt; command hallucinations • Depression: SIG E CAPS: sleep/interest, guilt, ...
Pocket Emergency Medicine is written as a life raft for medical students, residents and nursing staff caring for patients in the emergency department setting.
This volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series provides a concise and focused review of the entire field of emergency medicine -- from history and physical exam to differential diagnosis testing to therapeutics to disposition - all in ...
This pocket-sized guide contains the essential information that residents and medical students in the emergency department need to have at their fingertips.
Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition, provides accurate, actionable, and up-to-date information essential to caring for patients in life-threatening situations. Edited by Drs.
This fast-reference guide zeroes in on the most common clinical emergencies - the breathless patient, hypotension/falling blood pressure, disordered consciousness, metabolic emergencies, poisoning, low urine output, acute chest pain, the ...
Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition, provides accurate, actionable, and up-to-date information essential to caring for patients in life-threatening situations.
The six-ring binder can accommodate the student's or resident's own notes. Pocket Emergency Medicine is also available electronically for handheld computers. See PDA listing for details.