Collects poems, essays, and other writings of the nineteenth century American writer
This edition contains Rossetti's strongest and most distinctive work: poetry (including 'Goblin Market', 'The Prince's Progress', and the sonnet sequence 'Monna Innominata'), stories (including the complete text of Maude), devotional prose ...
Jan Marsh, Christina Rossetti: A Literary Biography (London, 2004). The best researched of recent biographies; sometimes overspeculative (especially in suggesting that Christina was sexually abused by her father— for which there is no ...
The historical archives of Elizabeth Hawley-for more than 40 years the meticulous chronicler of mountaineering expeditions in Nepal-are now available on this searchable CD.
This edition brings together the fullest range of Rossetti's poetry and prose in one volume, including 'Goblin Market', stories (the complete text of Maude), devotional prose, and personal letters.
Closer to Dylan Thomas than Matthew Arnold in his 'creative violence' and insistence on the sound of poetry, Gerard Manley Hopkins was no staid, conventional Victorian. On entering the Society...
Includes poems, essays on poetry, and selections from the nineteenth century poet's letters and notebooks
The poems, letters and journal entries selected for this edition were written in the following twenty years of his life, and published posthumously in 1918.
Closer to Dylan Thomas than Matthew Arnold in his 'creative violence' and insistence on the sound of poetry, Gerard Manley Hopkins was no staid, conventional Victorian. On entering the Society...
The poems, letters and journal entries selected for this edition were written in the following twenty years of his life, and published posthumously in 1918.