This national best-selling text examines police administration from multiple perspectives: a systems perspective (emphasizing the interrelatedness among units and organizations); a traditional, structural perspective (administrative ...
KEY BENEFIT Built on the foundation of its authors' decades of experience in law enforcement, training, and teaching, and updated to reflect recent subjects and concerns in the field of police work, this Ninth Edition of Police ...
Donahue, A., and Tuohy, R. (2006). “Lessons We Don't Learn: A Study of the ... Markon, 1., and Wilgoron, D. (2010). “Five Virginia Men Charged in Pakistani ... Marks, D., and Sun, I. (2007). “Organizational Development among State and ...
... B., 7, 162 Smith, W.C., 41, 127, 134, 175, 331 Solomon, A.L., 65 Soole, D.W., 384 Spears, L.C., 486 Spelman, W., 344, ... Taft, P.B., Jr., 345, 420 Tarr, D.P., 403 Thacher, D., 362, 389–390 Thomas, D., 477 Thompson, S., 474 Thurman, ...
... Suzanne Heath , Jill Morgan , Robert Muller , Joe Potter , Joanne Robinson , Gladys Jail Operations JAILERS : Alvarez , Rafael Barkley , Patrick Barnes , Michael Bernard , Mike Blake , Keith Blakely , Ralph Brown , Norman Campbell ...
... G.D., 69, 141 Ebener, P.A., 397 Eck, J.E., 73, 332, 334, 366, 396, 398, 399, 408 Edwards, J.M.B., 56 Egger, S.A., ... R.T., 372, 373 Gandhi, M., 290 Gannon,J.P., 327 Garner, G.W., 136 Garson, G.D., 331 Gates, H.L.,Jr., 452 Geller, ...
Crowd control versus crowd management June 12, 2015 This article reports the Berkeley PD's review of its handling of post-Ferguson protests last December, including a plan to shift from crowd control to crowd management.
This best-selling text presents a vivid introduction to police organizations that focuses on the procedures, politics and human relations issues police supervisors and administrators must understand in order to succeed.
Police Administration
Covers the field of police administration and provides a carefully balanced treatment of its procedural, structural, and behavioral aspects.Coverage includes stress in police organizations; the plight of core cities which...
This introductory text for the police administration course presents an overview of the field, including administration, management of materials and human resources, and management of police operations.
For courses in Police Administration, Management, and Supervision.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in police organization, management, and administration.
This is the instructor's manual/test bank to accompany the main text (0-07-022566-4).
Unlike other texts, this book blends theory with practice. It presents a foundation for the administration and management of a police agency in a logical, flexible, and understandable step-by step process.
Police Administration: A Bibliography
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Scrupulously devoted to providing a contemporary account, the authors make a strong yet balanced case addressing issues that have given rise to significant changes in policing, including, in this 10th edition, the COVID-19 pandemic and ...
This is a comprehensive yet easy to read, up-to-date introduction to police administration for academic courses and for practitioners preparing for a promotional exam.
This text examines police administration in terms of the police role, police leadership and management, and specific police operations. Chapters on the police explain the origins of the concept and...