Stewart). Chamberlain. (1855–1929). A British-born German writer, Chamberlain played a major role in popularizing racial theories, having a major impact on Hitler and the Nazis. In Foundations of the Nineteenth Century ([1899] 1913), ...
The thoroughly updated 6th edition of this highly regarded text provide a clear, accessible introduction to the political creeds and doctrines that have dominated and shaped politics around the world.
James Tully (born 1946) A Canadian political theorist, Tully has championed a plural form of political society that accommodates the needs and interests of indigenous peoples. He portrayed modern constitutionalism, which stresses ...
Buddhism , for its part , has generally been tolerant of other religions and views , in part because it does not claim , as theistic religions usually do , to have a monopoly of truth . Even though religions do not have consistently ...
This volume contains a collection of the political writings and texts that have been central to the major ideological traditions in Western political life.
The latest edition of Political Ideologies: introduces and considers the future of all the most widely studied ideologies: liberalism; conservatism; socialism; democracy; nationalism; fascism; ecologism and feminism sets each ideology ...
Brief and accessible, Political Ideologies follows the evolution of political thought over 300 years. Organized chronologically, this text examines each major ideology within a political, historical, economic, and social context.
Comprehensive yet accessible, this classic text, now in its thirteenth edition follows the evolution of political thought over 300 years.
Using a chronological organization, this text explains the evolution of political thought over the past three centuries and describes political ideologies in the context of the social, economic, and political circumstances in which they ...
Case Study 11.4 Banning the burqa Before 2011 Muslim women in France, as in all other European countries, were free to wear the niqab or burqa (which cover the face) in line with their religious beliefs, although relatively few adopted ...
Designed for classroom use, this book develops a framework for the comparative analysis of political ideologies and examines the most prominent political ideologies of modern time.
For instance, "socialism" may refer to an economic system, or it may refer to an ideology which supports that economic system.Political ideology is a term fraught with problems, having been called "the most elusive concept in the whole of ...
The contributors to this volume have all taught or carried out research at the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy of Queen’s University, Belfast, or have close research connections with the School.
Comprehensive yet accessible, this classic text, now in its thirteenth edition, follows the evolution of political thought over 300 years.
This book is an introduction to the major modern political ideologies. It provides a basic understanding of each ideology by systematically tracing its origins, then identifying core theories and beliefs,...
New to this Edition: - A brand new chapter on Populism addressing the rise of populist movements across the world and the related decline of liberal democratic values - More on sexualities, queer politics and trans issues in the chapter on ...
"Written from an international perspective and ranging from traditional nineteenth-century ideologies like liberalism, conservatism and socialism to more contemporary ones such as feminism, ecologism and political Islam, this book offers a ...
This revised and updated fourth edition of the leading text on political ideologies contains a new chapter on multiculturalism, consideration of the changing nature of ideological discourse, including the transition from "traditional" to ...
Brief and accessible, Political Ideologies follows the evolution of political thought over 300 years. Organized chronologically, this text examines each major ideology within a political, historical, economic, and social context.
An introduction to the world's major political ideologies. -- p. xi.