This edition asks students to explore the controversial topic of exported democracy, and whether certain countries are ready and equipped to apply our form of government.
Political Science: Course: Comparative Governance
“ Another Look at the Life Cycle and Political Participation . ” American Journal of Political Science 23 : 755-71 . , and Richard G. Niemi . 1974. The Political Character of Adolescence : The Influence of Families and Schools .
Political Science: Illustrated Search Strategy and Sources : with an Introduction to Legal Research for Undergraduates
Political Science: A Comparative Introduction
Political Science: An Introduction (global Edition, 14e)
Assessment in MyPoliSciLab helps gauge readers' progress. Note: MyPoliSciLab does not come automatically packaged with this text.
This book, originally published in 1959, makes explicit the social principles which underlie the procedures and political practice of the modern democratic state.
Explains the basics of political science Political Science: An Introduction, 13/e, provides a comprehensive and jargon-free introduction to the field’s basic concepts and themes.
This book investigates, both theoretically and in considerable empirical detail, the teachings of Islam vis-a-vis politics.
Political Science: The State of the Discipline
Exceptionally up-to-date and rich in cross-national examples with an emphasis on the U.S. political system this text offers an unbiased, thorough introduction to the basic terminology, concepts, and theories of political science.
In this volume, the study of legislatures has traditionally been a central preoccupation of political scientists.
Political Science: The State of the Discipline II