
  • Politics
    By Aristotle

    This is an admirable translation, meticulous in its attention to Aristotle's Greek and judicious in its phrasing and choice of terms.

  • Politics
    By Aristotle

    EVERY STATE is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good; for mankind always act in order to obtain that which they think good.

  • Politics
    By Aristotle

    LIFE OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS 0-486-28499-9 SELF , Ralph Waldo Emerson. 128pp. ... 0-486-40661-X THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN , Benjamin Franklin. 144pp. ... TABOO 0-486-40434-X LOVE : A Book of Quotations, Herb Galewitz (ed.).

  • Politics
    By Taylor & Francis Group, Various, ROUTLEDGE

    This 20 volume Routledge Revivals collection brings together a selection of groundbreaking Politics titles, from the rich and diverse Routledge backlist.

  • Politics: Government of the UK
    By Nick Gallop, Paul Fairclough

    Exam board: AQA Level: A-level Subject: Politics First teaching: September 2017 First exams: Summer 2018 (AS) Summer 2019 (A-Level) Reinforce your understanding throughout the course. Clear topic summaries with sample...

  • Politics: Canada
    By Graham White, Paul W. Fox

    Politics: Canada

  • Politics: A Unified Introduction to How Democracy Works
    By Ian Budge

    This comprehensive introduction to politics provides an essential template for assessing the health and workings of present day democracy by exploring how democratic processes bring public policy into line with popular preferences.

  • Politics
    By Aristotle

    Expounding upon, 'The Republic, ' the earlier work of his teacher Plato, Aristotle in 'Politics' examines the various options for governance and their respective values.

  • Politics: Antiquity and Its Legacy
    By Kōstas Vlassopoulos

    Ancient Greece is famous as the civilization which 'gave' the world democracy. Democracy has in modern times become the rallying cry of liberation from supposed totalitarianism and dictatorship. And the...

  • Politics: Antiquity and Its Legacy
    By Kōstas Vlassopoulos

    Above all, the book shows how important and surprising the study of antiquity can be in reassessing and revaluating modern political debates.

  • Politics: Between the Extremes
    By Nick Clegg

    'Compelling' Ian McEwan 'Engrossing' Alan Johnson 'Essential' Robert Peston *THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER* Politics has changed. For decades Britain was divided between Left and Right but united in its belief...

  • Politics: Observations and Arguments, 1966-2004
    By Hendrik Hertzberg

    Politics is at once the story of American life from LBJ to GWB and a testament to the power of the written word in the right hands.

  • Politics: Books V and VI
    By Aristotle, David Keyt

    Books V and VI of Aristotle's Politics constitute a manual on practical politics. In the fifth book Aristotle examines the causes of faction and constitutional change and suggests remedies for political instability.

  • Politics
    By Adam Thirlwell

    'In case you had not noticed,' writes Adam Thirlwell in his first novel, Politics, 'in this book I am not interested in anything so small as the history of the USSR.

  • Politics: Critical Essays in Human Geography
    By Virginie Mamadouh

    [ 18 ] Collective Action and Rational Choice : Place , Community , and the Limits to Individual Self - Interest * BYRON ... Habermas's The Theory of Communicative Action , in contrast , provides a broader conception of rationality that ...

  • Politics: A New Translation
    By Aristotle

    A general Introduction prepares the reader for the work that lies ahead, explaining what sort of work it is and what sort of evidence it relies on.

  • Politics: Critical Essays in Human Geography
    By Virginie Mamadouh

    This volume avoids the two extremes by acknowledging the transformation of approaches to the political in human geography over the past few decades but also by highlighting the continued importance of the more traditional state-based ...

  • Politics: The Central Texts
    By Roberto Mangabeira Unger

    ... transforming action comes from within . The transformative deed fails completely to bridge the gap between the self as center and the self as one among others . It remains a bid for self- aggrandizement as ... TRANSFORMATIVE VOCATION 421.

  • Politics: The Basics
    By Stephen D Tansey, Stephen Tansey

    The third edition of Politics: The Basics introduces all the key areas of politics, explaining all the basic ideas and terms, making it an ideal text for propsective undergraduate students and the general reader is clearly and accessibly ...

  • Politics: The Basics
    By Stephen D Tansey, Nigel Jackson

    Accessible in style and topical in content, the fifth edition has been fully restructured to reflect core issues, systems and movements that are at the centre of modern politics and international relations.