Poor white trash, but what poor white trash would look like had it just descended from Mount Olympus. Tanned, shapely legs stretching up forever from the glossy painted toes on her bare feet to the jeans cut down to a tiny pair of ...
“ Ah . Howard knows his father . " “ Howard probably is his father . ” At this remark , my father's jaw twitched . He liked Howard Jappes , remember . And my father was nothing if not loyal to his friends .
Three twelve-year-olds work for fame in the pop music world, receiving inspiration from a martial arts teacher.
Mrs. Evans doesn't want Missy to play the drums at all , just violin . She says drums are not ladylike , and she also doesn't like drums because Missy's father is a drummer in New York and they're divorced and Missy says they get along ...
This book shows how we use our sense of taste to find out about the world around us. Discover how taste works and find out how humans and other animals use their sense of taste.
Describes a sampling of electric and nonelectric corn poppers, surveys the history of popcorn, and presents recipes for popcorn candy, breads, salads, desserts, and camping, breakfast, and main-dish foods
Literature-based thematic teaching unit on popcorn. Its core contains three children's literature selections: Popcorn by Frank Asch, The popcorn book by Tomie dePaola and The popcorn dragon by Jane Thayer....
Hugely acclaimed author of THIS IS UNCOOL and FEAR OF MUSIC turns his attention to rock 'n' roll movies.
Sam Bear invites his friends to his house for a Halloween party and an unforeseen problem results when everyone brings popcorn to eat.
Illustrations and rhythmic, rhyming text show what happens when popping popcorn gets out of hand.
Set in the Beverly Hills home of Oscar winning movie director Bruce Delamitri, Popcorn is a satirical comedy thriller with the firepower of a hit squad. When notorious killers Wayne...
Patrick Evans-Hylton also shows how to use popcorn as an ingredient in main course dishes such as Popcorn Shrimp and Fish Fry with Seasoned Popcorn which use popped popcorn as a coating ingredient.
Popcorn is a course for 6-12 year olds, encouraging them to be active learners.
A blue corn horse saves his boss, Thomas Jefferson, during an early winter snowstorm at Monticello, then carries him to Washington, D.C. to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase.
A celebratory volume of popcorn recipes demonstrates how to use popcorn as an ingredient in main-course dishes as well as a snack food, in a collection that features such options as Hawaiian Luau Bars, Popcorn Shrimp, and Chesapeake Bay ...
A fun and interactive introduction to the amazing Tudor period, from Tudor kings and queens to home life, children, Tudor clothes and food, what the Tudors did for fun and where the Tudors lived.
Popcorn is a collection of 21 pop songs - hits of the seventies which have gone into pop history, from vintage Beatles numbers to ABBA titles.
Every guest at Sam Bear's Halloween party brings the same treat--popcorn. What will Sam and his friends do with it all?
Bear’s Halloween party gets overwhelmed by a delicious excess of popcorn in this classic picture book refreshed with new art by celebrated and award-winning author-illustrator Frank Asch.
Pop, pop, pop! That's the sound of popcorn! In this low-level title readers will learn about the history of popcorn, what makes it pop, and how it is eaten today.