Cooper , W. ( 1994 ) . Staff development for portfolios and portfolio assessment . Portfolio News , 5 , ( 2 ) , 2-4 . Farnan , N. & Kelly , P. ( 1991 ) . Keeping track : Creating assessment portfolios in reading and writing . Reading .
This book details a step-by-step process to help preschool and elementary educators get started in the use of portfolios for student assessment or gain new insights or strategies in their use.
The Assessment Bookshelf Series features a variety of teacher-friendly, student focused tools to help you implement an effective assessment program in your classroom.
Portfolio Assessment: Teacher's Guide, Grades K-8
In this book, author Allan A. De Fina invites teachers, students and parents into the portfolio process, which offers many opportunities to assess a student's performance and growth over time.
Portfolio Assessment: A Guide for Students
Grade level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, k, p, e, i, s, t.
This book was written for the purpose of sharing pragmatic experiences of outcomes assessment with those who are currently engaging in outcomes assessment at their institution. It functions as a...
Portfolio Assessment: A Guide for Lecturers, Teachers and Curriculum Developers