... 451, 549, 556, 558 Dynan, K.E. 423 Earl, P.E. 8, 10, 41, 82, 86–7, 95–6, 101, 105, 108,114,116, 177,576 Eatwell, J. 39, 151 Edwards, S.F. 109–13 Eggertsson, G.B. 303 Egidi, M. 75 Eichengreen, B. 497, 505 Eichner, A. 31–3, 35, 41–2, ...
Post-Keynesian Economics denotes a loose grouping of economists who regard the insights of Keynes and Kalecki as the starting point for both a critique of conventional equilibrium analysis and the...
This book shows how post-Keynesian economics constitutes a coherent heterodox alternative, based on realistic assumptions and the integration of the financial and real sides of the economy, with an emphasis on the many paradoxes that arise ...
This volume represents the extension of Keynes' General Theory by a group of economists. The essays cover a wide variety of aspects, both theoretical and empirical, marking a new stage...
This volume represents the extension of Keynes' General Theory by a group of eminent economists.
This book shows how post-Keynesian economics constitutes a coherent heterodox alternative, based on realistic assumptions and the integration of the financial and real sides of the economy, with an emphasis on the many paradoxes that arise ...
This visionary Research Handbook presents the state of the art in research on policy design.