Offers a variety of potato recipes and includes tips on kitchen equipment, and techniques for cutting, peeling, and cooking potatoes
Provides information about potatoes and their importance in everyday life.
Potatoes: Recommended Varieties for Northern Ireland 1992-93
Discover the best potato recipes the world has to offer in 65 delicious recipes from soups to samosas; croquettes to chowders; curries to quesadillas; and pies to pierogi. Potatoes are an inexpensive, versatile, and much-loved food.
Fried, baked, boiled, mashed, or any way you prepare them, potatoes are everyone's favorite food!
... Harvesting and post - harvest technology . Potatoes can be har- vested at any time after tuber formation begins . The option of early harvesting — that is , prior to senescence - allows potatoes to fill niches in many cropping systems ...
Potatoes: Production, Storing, Processing