The answer is in the first line of Jill Jackson-Miller's song—“Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me.” It all begins with individual you and me. Every thought we think, every feeling we have, every word we speak goes out ...
This is a must-read and must-do for anyone who is truly committed to becoming his or her own person in world where most people just follow along. It's time to wake up with Practical Spirituality!
Illustrative exercises, sample stories, and role-playing activities offer the opportunity for self-evaluation and discovery.
Practical Spirituality • Reflections on the Spiritual Basis of Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. • Marshall's views on the spiritual origins and underpinnings of NVC, and how practicing the process helps him ...
Practical Spirituality
This book addresses this problem, offering a means whereby the dedicated serious practitioner can learn to live a practical, spiritual life, with what is sacred to them at its heart and as its focus.
John Randolph Price discusses a wide range of personal growth and spirituality topics, such as the proper user of affirmations and spiritual treatments, the benefits and techniques of meditation, becoming spiritually centred, changing your ...
This book outlines the psychospiritual approach to becoming spiritual. It involves coming to an appreciation of why you are the way you are, why you behave as you do, and why your life follows the path it does.
Hi this is Williejay T. Strong.
If so, then this is the book you have been looking for! Practical Spirituality, by Rev. Joya Sosnowski, is a journey of spiritual awakening that is different for each person.
Practical Spirituality