Praying the Psalms

  • Praying the Psalms
    By Thomas Merton

    Merton shows us how to draw out the richness of worship from the psalter and to use it to achieve "the peace that comes from submission to God's will and from perfect confidence in him".......Catholic Review Service

  • Praying the Psalms: Growing Emotionally Closer to God and Those You Love
    By Rick Stedman

    Richard Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1992), 13. 4. G.K. Chesterton, quoted in MaryKate Morse, A Guidebook to Prayer: Twenty-Four Ways to Walk with God (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, ...

  • Praying the Psalms: Experiencing Scripture-Fed, Spirit-Led, Worship-Based Prayer (Volume 1, Psalms 1-41)

    A guide for praying through the Psalms according to the Strategic Renewal and 6:4 Fellowship model with supporting commentary

  • Praying the Psalms
    By Juanita Ryan

    Examining nine Psalms that express strong emotions, Juanita Ryan offers these nine-session LifeGuideĀ® Bible Study to help you learn how to openly express your fear, joy, anger, hope, sorrow and love to God.

  • Praying the Psalms: Drawing Near to the Heart of God
    By Ben Patterson

    Praying the Psalms includes 50 selections from this book--songs of praise, cries for help, glad rejoicings, and humble offerings--accompanied by inspirational devotions that will open a divine window in your prayer life.