This pharmacology book and handy reference is a complete guide to the most common medications used in prehospital care.
A cornerstone of EMS education for over 30 years, the text reflects current trends in emergency care, especially the growing requirement for evidence- based care.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Prehospital Emergency...
A cornerstone of EMS education for more than 25 years, it has been extensively revised in this edition to reflect current trends in emergency care, especially the growing requirement for evidence-based practice.
This pharmacology book and handy reference is a complete guide to the most common medications used in prehospital care. It reflects current trends in prehospital care and the most recent...
This pharmacology book and handy reference is a complete guide to the most common medications used in prehospital care. It reflects current trends in prehospital care and...
Prehospital Emergency Pharmacology
This pharmacology book and handy reference is a complete guide to the most common medications used in prehospital care. It reflects current trends in prehospital care and the most recent...