This edition improves student understanding with more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables; highlights "fun facts" about the topic; adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care; and is ...
This edition improves student understanding with more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables; highlights “fun facts” about the topic; adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care; and is ...
This user-friendly text for students and dental health care professionals provides comprehensive coverage of cariology and chairside-oriented clinical preventive dentistry. Emphasis is placed on periodontal disease, patient education, use of...
This edition improves student understanding with more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables; highlights "fun facts" about the topic; adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care; and is ...
This revised edition of a popular book reflects an increasing emphasis on nutrition, school dental health and health promotion. This book focuses on the clinical application of primary preventive dentistry...
Primary Preventive Dentistry
Primary Preventive Dentistry
This edition improves student understanding with more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables; highlights "fun facts" about the topic; adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care; and is ...
This book begins with the discussion of the basics of prevention, shifts to the methods used in prevention and finally applies the preventive methods in different dental environments.
Primary Preventive Dentistry
Unit IV - includes chapters on target populations and public health approaches to preventing disease and maintaining health in these populations.