Principles and Methods of Social Research

  • Principles and Methods of Social Research
    By William D. Crano, Marilynn B. Brewer, Andrew Lac

    ... 243 Charney, D. S., 207 Chartrand, T. L., 299, 301, 302, 304, 310 Chave, E. L., 281–283 Chelimsky, E., 168 Chen, M., 30 Chen, X., 275 Cheng, K.,115,118 Cheng, T. L., 185 Cheung, C., 122, 123 Choi, I., 122, 123, 341 Christenson,.

  • Principles and Methods of Social Research
    By William D. Crano, Marilynn B. Brewer, Andrew Lac

    ... D. 285 Russell, B. 262 Sadler, M. S. 397 Saenz, D. S. 106 Salas, E. 401 Samph, T. 258 Sampson, F. 394–5 Sanders, C. 285 Sanna, ... R. 116 Siegel, J. T. 9, 108,202,233 Siegel, P. M. 283 Siegman, C. R. 77 Sigelman, L. 474 Author Index.

  • Principles and Methods of Social Research
    By William D. Crano, Marilynn B. Brewer, Andrew Lac

    ... MTMMM,seeCrano,2000; Marsh& Bailey,1991;Mellon &Crano,1977;Schmitt, Coyle,& Saari,1977;Schmitt &Stults,1986). ... T h r e a t s t o M e a s u r e m e n t V a l i d i t y The different validation operations we have presented should ...

  • Principles and Methods of Social Research
    By William D. Crano, Marilynn B. Brewer, Andrew Lac

    The book is noted for its: -Emphasis on understanding the principles that govern the use of a method to facilitate the researcher’s choice of the best technique for a given situation.

  • Principles and Methods of Social Research
    By William D. Crano, Marilynn B. Brewer, Andrew Lac

    "This classic text presents the most recent advances in social research design and methodology. Users applaud the book's comprehensiveness.

  • Principles and Methods of Social Research
    By William D. Crano, Marilynn B. Brewer

    An extensive revision, this classic text presents the most recent advances in social research design and methodology. Drs. Crano and Brewer thoroughly describe the research process using methods derived from...