Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

  • Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
    By John I. Gallin, Frederick P Ognibene

    The second edition of this innovative work again provides a unique perspective on the clinical discovery process by providing input from experts within the NIH on the principles and practice of clinical research.

  • Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
    By John I. Gallin, Frederick P Ognibene

    CCC 1 Facilitate the education of the interdisciplinary team on study requirements CCC 2 Collaborate with the interdisciplinary team to create and communicate a plan of care that allows for safe and effective collection of clinical ...

  • Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
    By John I. Gallin, Frederick P Ognibene, Laura Lee Johnson

    NIH historically has provided advice and guidance on COI for its employees for many years and updated its “Guide to Avoiding Financial and Non-Financial Conflicts or Perceived Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research at NIH” (Guide) ...

  • Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
    By John I. Gallin

    This book is divided into three parts: ethical, regulatory, and legal issues; biostatistics and epidemiology; technology transfer, protocol development and funding.

  • Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
    By John I. Gallin

    The book is based on the course materials for the Core Course on Clinical Research which has been given at the NIH for the past two years to their clinical fellows.