True to its title, the goal of this concise text is to provide an up-to-date, introductory view of essential themes in environmental science along with offering students numerous opportunities to practice scientific thinking and active ...
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has given the Union of Concerned Scientists $ 3.09 million since ... Luce Foundation during 2001-2002 ) , and J. Howard Pew ( $ 1 million from the Pew Memorial Trust during 2002-2003 ) .
True to its title, the goal of this concise text is to provide an up-to-date, introductory view of essential themes in environmental science along with offering students numerous opportunities to practice scientific thinking and active ...
Suitable for the one-semester, non-majors environmental science course, this title provides an introductory view of essential themes in environmental science along with offering students numerous opportunities to practice scientific ...
This new text emphasizes how science can help us find solutions for important environmental issues. While not attempting to describe every possible environmental dilemma or scientific field of study, the...
True to its title, the goal of this concise text is to provide an up-to-date, introductory view of essential themes in environmental science along with offering students numerous opportunities to practice scientific thinking and active ...
"Environmental science often emphasizes that while we are surrounded by challenges, we also have tremendous opportunities.
This book is intended for use in a one- or two-semester course in environmental science, human ecology, or environmental studies at the college or advanced placement high school level.
There is special emphasis on modelling and integrated assessment. This book is different because it stresses the societal, cultural and historical dimensions of environmental problems.
Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry & Application
"Environmental science often emphasizes that while we are surrounded by challenges, we also have tremendous opportunities.
True to its title, the goal of this concise text is to provide an up-to-date, introductory view of essential themes in environmental science along with offering students numerous opportunities to practice scientific thinking and active ...
Principles of Environmental Science
Principles of Environmental Science
The environment affects our health, our food and water, our politics, and our economy. What can you do to ensure that these effects are positive? That question is a central...
Rather than the 25 to 30 chapters found in most environmental science textbooks, the authors have limited Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications to 15 chapters--perfect for the one-semester,...
While not attempting to describe every possible environmental dilemma or scientific field of study, this new text focuses on the major topics we face and how scientists search for answers to questions about them.