Principles of International Criminal Law

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    145 Conceptualising Transnational Corporate Groups for International Criminal Law (2017); Simon Meisenberg, Auf dem Weg zu einem Unternehmensvölkerstrafrecht (2016); Frank Meyer, 'Multinationale Unternehmen und das Völkerstrafrecht', ...

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    This fourth edition builds on the highly-successful work of the previous editions, setting out the general principles governing international crimes as well as the fundamentals of both substantive and procedural international criminal law.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    This third edition builds on the highly-successful work of the previous editions, setting out the general principles governing international crimes as well as the fundamentals of both substantive and procedural international criminal law.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    This new edition revises and updates work with developments in international criminal justice since 2009.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    This fourth edition retains the detailed and systematic approach of previous editions, whist adding substantial new material on new theories, laws, and prosecutions.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    This new edition revises and updates work with developments in international criminal justice since 2009.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law
    By Florian Jeßberger, Gerhard Werle

    This edition builds on the highly-successful work of the previous editions, setting out the general principles governing international crimes as well as the fundamentals of both substantive and procedural international criminal law.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law: 2nd Edition
    By Gerhard Werle

    The worldwide interest in international criminal law is strong and ever growing. This is shown by, among other things, the proliferation of publications on the subject in recent years.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law: 2nd Edition
    By Gerhard Werle

    The updated second edition takes account of the emerging case law of the ICC and other international and national courts in the field.

  • Principles of International Criminal Law: 2nd Edition
    By Gerhard Werle

    The worldwide interest in international criminal law is strong and ever growing. This is shown by, among other things, the proliferation of publications on the subject in recent years.