
  • Probation
    By Rob Canton, Jane Dominey

    Dorling, D., Gordon, D., Hillyard, P., Pantazis, C., Pemberton, S. and Tombs S. (2008) Criminal obsessions: Why harm matters more than crime (2nd edn), London: Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.

  • Probation: Working With Offenders
    By Rob Canton

    This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the work of the probation service.

  • Probation: Working With Offenders
    By Rob Canton

    This title presents an account of contemporary probation policy and practice. It also offers an account of probation's history, its values and its principal tasks. It is suitable for the students of probation, and for general readers.

  • Probation: 12 Essential Questions
    By Fergus McNeill, Ioan Durnescu, René Butter

    This volume poses a series of key questions about the practice of probation as an integral part of the European criminal justice system.

  • Probation
    By Rob Canton, Jane Dominey

    This title presents an account of contemporary probation policy and practice. It also offers an account of probation's history, its values and its principal tasks. It is suitable for the students of probation, and for general readers.