
  • Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists
    By Casey Reas, Ben Fry

    An introduction to the ideas of computer programming within the context of the visualarts that also serves as a reference and text for Processing, an open-source programming languagedesigned for creating images, animation, and interactivity ...

  • Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2
    By Ira Greenberg, Dianna Xu, Deepak Kumar

    All this is taught using hands-on creative coding projects. Processing 2.0 is the latest release of the open-source Processing language, and includes exciting new features, such as OpenGL 2 support for enhanced 3D graphics performance.

  • Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art
    By Ira Greenberg

    First Processing book on the market Processing is a nascent technology rapidly increasing in popularity Links with the creators of Processing will help sell the book

  • Processing: An Introduction to Programming
    By Larry R. Nyhoff, Jeffrey L. Nyhoff

    This book demonstrates how Processing is an excellent language for beginners to learn the fundamentals of computer programming.

  • Processing: An Introduction to Programming
    By Larry R. Nyhoff, Jeffrey L. Nyhoff

    ... 8–10, 31–33 background () function, 37–38 drawing with, 8–29 arc () function, 26–29 ellipse () function, 17–20 line ... division, 56– 57, 95–98 Integers, 54 Integrated development environment (IDE), xxv int type, 54 int values, 192– 193 ...