New York, NY 10158-0012 Phone: (212)850-6000 Walter, Ingo, and Tracy Murray, editors. Second edition, 1988. Contains sections on all areas of intemational business. Includes bibliographies. Toll-free/Additional Phone Number(s): ...
Career profiles list general career guides, information and services provided by professional associations, standards and certification agencies, directories of educational programs and institutions, and titles of helpful books and ...
4208 * Sociological Practice Association ( SPA ) Department of Pediatrics / Human Development Michigan State ... + 4210 * Practicing to Take the GRE Sociology Test Educational Testing Service Rosedale Rd . Princeton , NJ 08541 Ph ...
Professional Careers Sourcebook: Where to Find Help Planning Careers that Require College Or Technical Degrees
Picking up where the Occupational Outlook Handbook leaves off, this text directs users to career information sources related to specific professions, such as civil engineering, psychology, law, public relations, dance and choreography, and ...
This resource book profiles 119 professional and technical occupations.