Robbins (2005) believes that 'trust appears to be a primary attribute associated with leadership'. He identifies three types of trust: deterrence-based, knowledge-based and identification-based, which correspond closely to the power ...
New to this edition: New chapters on Quality Control and Quality Assurance and Successful Commencement; new material on Ethics, Estimating a Project During Design, and Design Build Market: general contracting companies; specialty ...
As with all previous editions of Project Management in Construction, this sixth edition focuses on systems theory as the approach suitable for organizing and managing people skilled in the design and completion of construction projects.
This book adopts an essentially systems approach to organisation analysis and design from the initial concept of the project. It enriches this approach by incorporating both other relevant organisation theory and transaction cost economics.
The book is part of the Leading Construction Series co-published by Gower and CITB-ConstructionSkills. The Leading Construction Series is part of a CITB-ConstructionSkills initiative to develop management skills within the industry.
As with all previous editions of Project Management in Construction, this sixth edition focuses on systems theory as the approach suitable for organizing and managing people skilled in the design and completion of construction projects.