To this high mountain the captain gave the name of Monte Passoal [“pertaining to Easter”], and to the land, Terra da Vera Cruz.” The mountain, in the present State of Bahia, still bears the same name. The King changed Vera Cruz to Santa ...
Although Elizabeth Bishop is perhaps better known as a masterful poet, she was a dazzling and compelling prose writer too, as this centenary edition of her prose demonstrates.
This is the definitive edition of the work of one of America s greatest poets, increasingly recognized as one of the greatest English-language poets of the twentieth century, loved by readers and poets alike.
Presents a collection of memoirs, travel and literary essays, book reviews, tributes, correspondence with Anne Stevenson, and the original draft of "Brazil."
The rhetorical tools and literary styles that have helped reinvent the art and study of storytelling over time are surveyed in this captivating volume.
Language may have become suspect, but these essays affirm the 'project of hope' that was Bonnefoy's from the outset.