Psychiatric Diagnosis

  • Psychiatric Diagnosis: A World Perspective
    By Juan E. Mezzich, Yutaka Honda, M. Kastrup

    To reflect these developments, the Section on Classification, Diagnostic Assessment and Nomenclature of the World Psychiatric Association has prepared this volume which is organized around five prominent themes in contemporary psychiatric ...

  • Psychiatric Diagnosis
    By Donald W. Goodwin, Samuel B. Guze

    They have also incorporated DSM-III-R criteria into this edition. The authors continue to demonstrate the usefulness of diagnosis based on specifically defined criteria in planning treatment and predicting outcome of illness.

  • Psychiatric Diagnosis
    By Donald W. Goodwin, Samuel B. Guze

    Well known for providing a thorough yet concise view of the natural history of psychiatric disorders, this popular text has been completely updated chapter by chapter in this Fifth Edition....

  • Psychiatric Diagnosis: Exploration of Biological Predictors
    By Hagop S. Akiskal, William L. Webb

    Psychiatric Diagnosis: Exploration of Biological Predictors

  • Psychiatric Diagnosis: A Biopsychosocial Approach Using DSM-III-R
    By Jess Amchin

    Psychiatric diagnosis plays a central role in the clinical practice of modern psychiatry. This how-to book provides a description of how to go about making an accurate, comprehensive, yet focused...

  • Psychiatric Diagnosis: Challenges and Prospects
    By Juan E. Mezzich, Ihsan M. Salloum

    Finally, Section IV reviews emerging international diagnostic systems in psychiatry, considering innovative models and adaptations. This book will be essential reading for anyone involved in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.