After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack in the 1930's, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack.
After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack in the 1930's, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack.
This is one of the best guides to detection and defense against psychic attack from one of the leading occult writers of the twentieth century.
This Weiser Classics edition of Dion Fortune’s Psychic Self-Defense includes a new forward by Mary K. Greer, author of numerous books including Tarot for Your Self, and a new afterword by Christian Gilson that chronicles the original ...
Psychic Self-Defense Dion Fortune - "Psychic Self-Defense" is one of the best guides to detection and defence against psychic attack from one of the leading occult writers of the 20th century.
After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack.
Facsimile of 1930 Edition. After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack in the 1930's, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack.
Learn about powerful ways to keep yourself free from a wide variety of spiritual "attacks" on you, with The Truth About Psychic Self-Defense by Keith Randolph.
This book is not intended merely to make the flesh creep, but is designed as a serious contribution to a little-understood aspect of abnormal psychology, perverted, in some instances, to the purposes of crime.