Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination

  • Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: 3rd Edition
    By Mary E. Kite, Bernard E. Whitley, Jr.

    Jeffery Mio, Lori Barker, and Jaydee Tumambing (2012) describe the five common reactions to situations in which people feel different. These Ds of Difference include distancing, denial, defensiveness, devaluing, and discovery.

  • Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: 3rd Edition
    By Mary E. Kite, Bernard E. Whitley, Jr.

    ... R. D. 156 Riek, B. M. 251, 252, 325, 340 Riemann, R. 280 Rieser-Danner, L. A. 265, 510 Riordan, C. M. 366 Rios, K. 323–324 Risen, ... S. T. 423 Russin, A. 535 Rust, M. C. 187, 548, 551, 553 Rutland, A. 269, 272, 288, 290, 299 Ryan ...

  • Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
    By Mary E. Kite, Bernard E. Whitley, Jr.

    ... The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex and gender, social class, sexual orientation, and disability (7th ed., pp. 2–50). McGraw-Hill. Rubin, L. (1998). Is this a white country, or what?

  • Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
    By Mary E. Kite, Bernard E. Whitley

    This book provides a comprehensive and compelling overview of what psychological theory and research have to say about the nature, causes, and reduction of prejudice and discrimination.

  • Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: 3rd Edition
    By Mary E. Kite, Bernard E. Whitley, Jr.

    This book provides a comprehensive and compelling overview of what psychological theory and research have to say about the nature, causes, and reduction of prejudice and discrimination.

  • Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
    By Mary E. Kite, Bernard E. Whitley

    Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination