Cartwright , R. , 168 , 169 , 191 Casey , M. B. , 297 Caspi , A. , 509 Caspi et al . , 456 Cassaday , H. J. , 255 Castel ... P. R. , 298 Cohen , D. , 341 Cohen , G. , 252 Cohen , J. , 535 Cohen , L. H. , 374 Cohen , M. , 457 Cohen ...
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Komori, M., Kawamura, S., 8( Ishihara, S. (2009). Averageness or symmetry: Which is more important for facial attractiveness? Acta Psychologia, 131, 1364142. Koob, A. (2009). The root ofthought. New ]ersey: Pearson Education.
“Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale” and “WAIS” are trademarks, in the US and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). In this way, children with different chronological and mental ages could be compared.
Pearson Education, Sydney. Muir-Cochrane, E., O'Kane, D., Oster, C., 2018. Fear and blame in mental health nurses' accounts of restrictive practices: implications for the elimination of seclusion and restraint.
The goal of this text is to empower students to apply scientific thinking to the psychology of their everyday lives.
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A Biopsychosocial Approach Professional Copy Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Incorporated. Fagot , B. I. ( 1978 ) . The influence of sex of child on parental reactions to toddler children . Child Development , 49 , 459–465 .
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Batson , C. D. , Duncan , B. D. , Ackerman , P. , Buckley , T. , & Birch , K. ( 1981 ) . ... Beeri , R. , Le Novere , N. , Mervis , R. , Huberman , T. , Grauer , E. , Changeux , J. P. , & Soreq , H. ( 1997 ) .
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Mussen, P. H., Conger, J. J., 81 Kagan, J. Child de valopment and personality l4th ed.). New York: Harper 81 Row, 1974. Nissan, H. W. Phylogenetic comparison. In S. S. Stevens lEdJ, Handbook of experimental psychology.
Health and health care of Asian Indian American older adults. Stanford, CA: eCampus Geriatrics. ... Motivation in education: Theory, research and applications (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice ... Boston: Pearson/Allyn Bacon.
Revised edition of the authors' Psychology, 2012.