
  • Psychology
    By Stephen F. Davis, Joseph J. Palladino

    ( See related activity ) Emotion , Memory , and the Brain by Joseph E. LeDoux ( 1994 ) A sight , a smell , or a chord from a melody can evoke an emotional memory . How does the brain recall such emotions ? Experiments with rodents model ...

  • Psychology: Concepts and Applications
    By Jeffrey S. Nevid

    The occupational performance of the older worker is typically less effective than that of the younger adult . ... and with working memory - keeping information briefly in mind while mulling it over ( Hartman , Bolton , & Fehnel , 2001 ...

  • Psychology
    By Henry L. Roediger, Elizabeth D. Capaldi, Scott G. Paris

    Timberlake , W. ( 1980 ) . A molar equilibrium theory of learned performance . In G. H. Bower ( Ed . ) , The psychology of learning and motivation , Vol . 14 ( pp . 1–58 ) . New York : Academic Press . Timberlake , W. ( 1984 ) .

  • Psychology
    By Douglas A. Bernstein

    ... preference shifts, the opportunity to engage in a normally less preferred activity can sometimes reinforce performance of a more preferred activity if the person is prevented from carrying out the less preferred action (Timberlake ...

  • Psychology
    By Spencer A. Rathus

    Alcohol is the most popular drug on high - school and college campuses ( Johnston et al . , 1991 ) . Most college students have tried marijuana , and perhaps one in five smokes it regularly . Many Americans take depressants to get to ...

  • Psychology: An Introduction
    By Charles G. Morris, Terry F. Pettijohn

    SILVERSTEIN , B. ( 1982 ) . Teaching a large lecture course in psychology : Turning defeat into victory . Teaching of Psychology 9 , 150–155 . Spear , K. I. ( 1984 ) . Rejuvenating introductory courses . San Francisco : Jossey - Bass .

  • Psychology
    By David G. Myers

    562 ) Robison , L. ( 1999 ) . ... 587-588 , 663 ) Rogers , C. R. ( 1981 , Summer ) . ... 120 , 558 ) Rose , R. J. , Kaprio , J. , Winter , T. , Dick , D. M. , Viken , R. J. , Pulkkinen , L. , & Koskenvuo , M. ( 2002 ) .

  • Psychology: Modules for Active Learning
    By Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer

    ... sex life but a poor relationship rarely lasts. Marriage expert John Gottman believes that a couple must have at least five times as many positive as negative moments in their marriage if it is to survive (Gottman, 1994).

  • Psychology
    By Karen Grover Duffy


  • Psychology
    By Karen Grover Duffy

    Articles by psychologists, educators, researchers, and writers provide perspectives on today's important topics in the study of psychology.

  • Psychology: An International Perspective
    By Michael W. Eysenck

    ... J. 255 Serpell , R. 419 Servan - Schreiber , D. 162 Setiadi , B. 17 , 18 Sevcik , R.A. 510 , 511 Sewell , D. 146 Seymour ... B. 698 , 699 Solomon , L. 50 Solomon , R.L. 270 Solso , R.L. 283 Sommer , K.L. 660 Sorbye , O. 864 Sorensen ...

  • Psychology
    By Victor M. Duarte

    McGuffin, P., Katz, R., Watkins, S., & Rutherford, J. (1996). A hospital- based twin register of the heritability of DSM-IV unipolar depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, Feb; 53(2), 129-136. McGuffin, P., Rijsdijk, E, Andrew, M., ...

  • Psychology: CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines
    By Angela B. Ginorio, Nancy Romer, Rhoda K. Unger

    For example , the most recent edition of Myers ' text ( 1992 ) has twenty - two pages noting gender in its subject and eight pages noting race and / or ethnicity . However , even this text has twenty - two pages where the term “ gender ...

  • Psychology
    By Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner

    ... W. J., 453 Steketee, G. S., 505 Stellar, E., 392, 394 Stellar, J. R., 237, 392 Stelmack, R. M., 461 Stennet, J., ... 315 Stickney-Gibson, M., 201 Stigler, J. W., 30 Stone, A. A., 603 Stone, J., 655 Stone, J. I., 384 Stone, M. B., ...

  • Psychology
    By Carol Tavris, Carole Wade

    ... Sarah , 226 , 415 , 418 Cirillo , Leonard , 59 Cirincione , Carmen , 577 Cizadlo , Ted , 585 , 586 Clark , David M. , 562 Clark , Lee Anna , 438 Clark , M. C. , 353 Clark , Margaret S. , 364 Clarke , Alex M. , 219 Clarke - Stewart ...

  • Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
    By Michael W. Passer, Passer et al

    This edition of Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour has been developed by expert local authors to help students studying in Australia to engage with and apply the concepts and theories of psychology.

  • Psychology: Portfolio Projects and Assessment
    By Holt, Rinehart and Winston Staff, Holt Rinehart & Winston

    Portfolio Projects and Assessment Holt Rinehart & Winston, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Staff. CHAPTER PORTFOLIO : TASK SHEET 21 SOCIAL INTERACTION Identifying Social Groups INTRODUCTION Imagine that you and your family have just moved to ...

  • Psychology
    By Douglas Bernstein

    ... 2007; Parker et al., 2001). Overall, the single most important factor in determining children's popularity may be the social skills they learn from childhood to adolescence (Rubin, Bukowski, & Parker, 2006).

  • Psychology
    By Douglas A. Bernstein

    They do poorly in school and usually experience psychological and behavior problems in later life ( Asher & Hopmeyer , 2001 ; Bagwell , Newcomb , & Bukowski , 1998 ; Ladd & Troop - Gordon , 2003 ) . It appears that having just one close ...

  • Psychology: Modern Life
    By James Neal Butcher, Carson

    ... 483 , 486 Gherardi , R. , 486 Gianetti , R. A. , 580-81 Gibbon , M. , 185 , 208 , 214 , 267-68 , 270 , 271-72 , 273-74 ... 442 , 446 Gibbons , R. D. , 452 Gibson , J. A. , 567 Gidycz , C. , 369 , 372 Gilbert , J. E. , 424 Gilbert ...