
  • Psychology
    By Ronald Miller, Jacquie Withers, Lauren D. Witz


  • Psychology: Themes and Variations
    By Wayne Weiten, Douglas McCann

    ... 64 , 684 Scoboria , A. , 203 Scott , K. , 48 Scott , T.R. , 163 Scott , W. , 597 Scoville , W.B. , 91 , 295 Scroppo ... 639 Simon , H. , 11 , 23 , 329 , 346 Simon , H.A. , 16 , 275 , 330 , 335 , 383 Simon , T. , 356 , 453 Simonoff ...

  • Psychology
    By Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner

    Researchers who study self-esteem typically ask participants to fill out a self-esteem questionnaire, such as one shown in TABLE 12.6 (Rosenberg, 1965). This widely used measure of self-esteem asks people to evaluate themselves in terms ...

  • Psychology: Principals and Applications
    By David G. Martin, Allan D. Moore

    Psychology: Principals and Applications


    To [My father S. Balbir Singh Shergill and My daughter Harnoor, with love fi Contents Preface ....................................................................................................... .. xv Acknowledgements .

  • Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health
    By Linda Brannon, Jess Feist, Patty Feist

    Brinkhaus B , Becker - Witt C , Jena S , et al . Acupuncture Randomized Trials ( ART ) in patients with chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee : design and protocols . Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2003 ...

  • Psychology
    By John W. Santrock, Michael G. Walraven, Steven A. Schneider

    In Sheldon's somatotype theory , an athletic , energetic and courageous personality was labeled a ( n ) endomorph b . ectomorph c . mesomorph d . somatomorph 13. Which approach to measuring personality assumes that personality cannot be ...

  • Psychology: A Behavioral Overview
    By Alan Poling, Henry Schlinger, Stephen Starin

    Glanzer, M., & Cunitz, A. R. (1966). ... Goodwin, D. W., Schulsinger, F., Mopiler, P., Hermansen, L., Winokur, G., & Guze, S. B. (1973). ... Griffin, J. C., Williams, D. E., Stark, M. T., Altmeyer, B. K., & Mason, M. (1984).

  • Psychology
    By Lloyd Dodge Fernald

    Johnston , S.J. , 419 Jones , B.J. , 508 Jones , E.E. , 570 Jones , E. , 15 Jones , E. , 485 Jones , F.N. , 398 Jones , J.R. , 603 Jones , M.C. , 535 Jones , S.R. , 326 Joseph , R.A. , 579 Jourard , S. , 471 Julia - Sellers , M. , 383 ...

  • Psychology
    By Peter O. Gray

    ... B. , 646 Martin , C.A. , 448 Martin , C.L. , 442 , 443 Martin , L.R. , 280 , 545 Martin , N.G. , 369 Martin , T.A. ... 190 , 191 , 192 , 193 Masataka , N. , 409 Mascolo , M.F. , 532 , 533 Mashour , G.A. , 631 Masi , W. , 586 Masland ...

  • Psychology
    By David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall

    David Myers' bestselling Psychology has reached a wider audience of students and instructors with each new edition.

  • Psychology
    By David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall

    This 11th modular edition of David G. Myers' 'Psychology' includes expanded coverage of the most recent developments in the dynamic fields of cognitive science, neuroscience, cultural and gender diversity, and industrial/organisational ...

  • Psychology
    By David Myers, C Nathan DeWall

    This book can be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, LaunchPad, which offers innovative media content, curated and organised for easy assignability.

  • Psychology: Custom Edition for [PSYC 1100] Kwantlen Polytechnic University
    By David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall

    Psychology: Custom Edition for [PSYC 1100] Kwantlen Polytechnic University

  • Psychology: An Introduction
    By Norman Duncan, Leslie Swartz, Cheryl De la Rey

    "Psychology: An Introduction is a comprehensive psychology textbook aimed at first year students. The 4th edition has been revised to focus on key areas of the undergraduate syllabus.

  • Psychology
    By Santrock Shnei, Steven A Schneider

    Gestalt therapy a . in Rogers's therapy , restating and supporting what the client says and does b . founded by Perls , this therapy encourages individuals to become more aware of their feelings c . in Rogers's therapy , the therapist ...

  • Psychology
    By David G. Myers

    In G. Lindzey 81 E. Aronson (Eds), The handbook ofsocial psychology (3rd ed). ... (p: 663) Mosher, W. D., Chandra, A., 81 1ones, (2005, September 15): Sexual behavior and selected health measures: Men and women 15*44 years of age, ...

  • Psychology: Myers in Modules
    By David G. Myers

    The hardcover, spiralbound edition of Myers's new modular version of "Psychology, 6/e."

  • Psychology: 50 Copy Pack:prepack
    By David G. Myers

    Psychology: 50 Copy Pack:prepack

  • Psychology: A Hands-On Guide and Workbook
    By Susan Krauss Whitbourne

    The book covers the traditional topics included in introductory psychology courses such as the nervous system, the five senses, consciousness, conditioning, and memory.