Psychology: Test Item File
Psychology: Tb-Vol II
William Kaufmann , 1975 . In B. M. Foss , ed . Determinants of handbook of social psychology , 2d ed . , Hilgard , J. R. Personality and hypnosis . infant behaviour . London : Methuen , Vol . 2 ( Research methods ) .
... 167 mnemonics , 159-160 mock prison study , 291-292 mode , 20 , 210 in normal distribution , 22 , 22f in skewed distribution , 23 , 24f modeling , 135-137 , 136f Moniz , Egas , 319 monkeys , attachment in , 225-226 , 225f monoamine ...
Egas Moniz, a Portuguese neurosurgeon who coined the term “psychosurgery,” pioneered work on lobotomies for the treatment of schizophrenia (Valenstein, 1986). In fact, he won a Nobel prize for his work in 1949.
228 Selman , R. , 368 Selye , H. , 519 Senden , M. von , 125 Shader , R. I. , 598 Shaffer , L. F. , 591 Shakow ... R. A. , 148 Stone , W. L. , 587 Stoner , J. , 635 Stoyva , J. , 215 Straub , R. O. , 272 Straus , M. A. , 428 Strickland ...
Davis , J. O. , 338 Davis , K. L. , 338 DeCasper , A. J. , 224 Deci , E. L. , 136 DeFries , J. C. , 209 DeLeon ... J. E. , 35 , 46 Dragoin , W. B. , 141 Draine , S. C. , 80 Druckman , D. , 80 Dujardin , J. , 68 Duncan , E. , 48 Duncker ...
Psychology: The Scientific Study of Behavior and Experience
Psychology: the study of human experience
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
Adolescent suicide The search for identity The expanse of adulthood Personality development The stability question Erikson's view of adulthood Stages of adult development : Gould and Levinson Early adulthood Middle adulthood Evaluating ...
Now thoroughly revised, with the help of new co-author David Bjorklund, the seventh edition of Psychology invites and stimulates students to investigate the big ideas in psychological science.
Psychology: A Scientific Study of Human Behavior
A standard introductory textbook focusing on the scientific roots of the field while emphasizing its practical value and relevance to society. The first edition was published in 1989. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Psychology: Canadian Edition
This new edition offers 2100 research citations dated 2015-2020, making these the most up-to-date introductory psychology course resources available.
Psychology: Printed Test Banks
A textbook for undergraduate students which emphasizes evolutionary and cognitive-developmental perspectives. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR