History, Diagnosis, and Empirical Foundations W. Edward Craighead, David J. Miklowitz, Linda W. Craighead ... 203, 206–209, 216–220, 224, 255, 624 Barnes, G. M., 558 Barnett, J. H., 38, 65 Barnett, S. D., 172 Barnett, 672 AUTHOR INDEX.
Roy-Byrne, P. P., Cowley, D. S., Greenblatt, D. J., Shader, R. I. & Hommer, D. (1990). Reduced benzodiazepine sensitivity in panic disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47, 534–538. Roy-Bryne, P. P., Craske, M. G., Stein, M. B., ...
By contrast, the contextual model that Wampold and Imel (2015) propose is a derivative of the 'common factors' argument and builds on a meta-theoretical model developed by Jerome Frank (Frank, 1982; Frank and Frank, 1991).
Psychopathology: a Casebook
The hospital staff, however, saw the note-taking as something pathological. Rosenhan considers the doctors' failure to detect their sanity as a type II error; they were more likely to see a healthy person as sick than a sick person as ...
Greden, J. F., Albala, A. A., Haskett, R. F., James, N. M., Goodman, L., Steiner, M., et al. (1980). Normalization of dexamethasone suppression test: A laboratory index of recovery from endogenous depression. Biological Psychiatry, 15 ...
3: Watson and Rayner said that phobias were caused by faulty learning. They based their theory on Pavlov, who conditioned dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell. Well, Watson and Rayner did the same thing to a boy called Albert, ...
In addition, each chapter of the Second Edition contains: A description of the disorder, including brief history, case example, and epidemiological findings Empirical foundations of each disorder, including findings regarding ...
In addition, each chapter of the Second Edition contains: A description of the disorder, including brief history, case example, and epidemiological findings Empirical foundations of each disorder, including findings regarding ...
When you adopt PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT MODEL FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, SECOND EDITION you and your students will have access to a rich array of teaching and learning resources that you won't find anywhere else.
sacrifice, in religious experience, 244 Samuels, A., xi, 1–21, 23–24, 45–46, 71–72, 89–90, 101–2, 127–28, 139–40, 157–58, 205, 213–14, 229, 237–38, 255–56, 275–76, 291, 309–10, 327–28 Sartre, J.-P., 239 Schafer, R., 126 Schenk, K., ...
A collection of papers written by Jungian analysts from different schools of analytical psychology on various aspects of psychopathology.
Developmental Pathways Perspective When explicating the development of disorder or adaptation from a DP perspective, the concept ofdevelopmental pathways has been applied. To facilitate understanding ofthis construct, a commonly used ...
This custom edition is specifically published for University of Queensland.
The fourth edition of Psychopathology is the most up-to-date text about the etiology and treatment of the most important psychological disorders.
Psychopathology, the study of behavior dysfunction occurring in mental disorder or social disorganization, reflect the interests of a wide range of disciplines, including psychology, medicine, sociology, neurology, biochemistry, philosophy, and...
The new edition of Psychopathology has been designed to provide students with a comprehensive coverage of both psychopathology and clinical practice, including extensive treatment techniques for a range of mental health issues.
Psychopathology: Experimental Models
The book covers third generation cognitive behavioral therapy approaches to reflect recent changes in service delivery.
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