The revisions only improve the text, including a new chapter on taxation under asymmetric information. Any student or professor with an interest in the normative side of public economics will want to own this book.
11See David T. Ellwood, “Anti-Poverty Policy for Families in the Next Century: From Welfare to Work and Worries,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 14, 1 (Winter 2000): 187–198. 12See Ellwood, p. 192. 13Ibid., p. 195.
... Jr., 582n Friedman, Milton, 257n Friend, Irwin, 480n Hinich, Melvin J., 183n Fullerton, Don, 399n, 420, 566n Hodge, Scott A., 539n Hoelscher, Gregory P., 438n G Holland, Jessica, 284 Gaffney, Mason, 600n Holtzblatt, Janet, 524 Gale, ...
Using a variety of applications in the context of fiscal federalism, the text evenly addresses local, state, and federal issues.
Public Finance remains the premier textbook on the normative theory of government policy, with the third edition propelling into the twenty-first century its examination of what government ought to be doing instead of what it is doing.
Note, Wnally, that the Corlett±Hague analysis applies, strictly speaking, only for small changes in taxes. ... Besley, T., and Jewitt, I., ``Uniform Taxation and Consumer Preferences,'' Journal of Public Economics, September 1995.
TABLE 7.4 Wealth Affected by Uncertain Net Benefits State of Nature No Flood (1 − p) Flood (p) No flood control project W W − D Flood control project in place W − C W + (B − C) certainty? Certainly not.
Public Finance: A Comtemporaru Application Theory Policy
constant returns to scale. ... The policies to do this were called nudges by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, a term that has stuck in the literature (Thaler ... Explaining the shadow economy in Europe: Size, causes and policy options.
A comprehensive presentation of the field of public finance, this text adopts a modern, theoretical and empirical approach to the subject.
Public Finance is an approachable text designed with students in mind. The 13 chapters are intentionally written to be taught easily in one semester without skipping material or losing any...
Public Finance
A significant contribution of the book is to strike a fine balancebetween normative and positive aspects of public finance.The book with be also be useful for students appearing for NET and competitive examinations such as IES and IAS.
Broad in scope and carefully balanced in emphasis, this book is a major treatise on the theory and practice of public finance.
This book sets out to address the critical issues from other countries, particularly those from the developing world or emerging market countries, who have received less attention in other texts.
Public Finance remains the premier textbook on the normative theory of government policy, with the third edition propelling into the twenty-first century its examination of what government ought to be doing instead of what it is doing.
This book is primarily intended as a text for undergraduate students of Economics and Commerce for their course on Public Finance/Public Economics.
A comprehensive presentation of the field of public finance, this text adopts a modern, theoretical and empirical approach to the subject.
This text provides a balanced treatment of both theory and practice for courses in public finance, public sector economics, cost-benefit analysis, public choice or public policy. Features: * Thoroughly covers...
Public Finance: Theory and Practice