C. D. McCauley and M. W. Hughes-James, An Evaluation of the Outcomes ofa Leadership Development Program (Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership, 1994). 9. McCauley and Hughes-James, An Evaluation of the Outcomes of a Leadership ...
There is a leadership challenge in that environmental health needs to play a key role in the public health agency and in the public health system by showing other leaders how public health and environmental health need to be integrated.
Since the publication of the first edition in 2003, Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice has become a standard reference for future and practicing public health leaders.
The stories focus on leadership practices that address the social determinants of health and advance population health. The utility of numbers is evident in this day of big data analytics (Bridgeland and Orzag 2013). Stories matter on a ...
Racial Beachhead: Diversity and Democracy in A Military Town. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Myers, P.A., P.W. Yoon, and R.B. Kaufmann. 2013. Introduction: CDC health disparities and inequalities report—United States.
Rowitz demonstrates how the skills and tools used to build effective leadership in the business world can be adopted by public health professionals.
... People. J. H. Fleming and J. Asplund, Human Sigma (New York: Gallup Press, 2007). Chambers, Finding, Hiring, and Keeping ... The Complete Idiot's Guide to Motivating People (Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books, 2000). Ramundo and Shelly, The ...
Public Health