Roger Shields, Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense, met with the President at the White House. Dr. Shields played a leading role in plans for the release of American prisoners of war; he was also actively engaged in efforts ...
Donna Weintraub Sternberg is currently vice president of Goudchaux's, Inc., in Baton Rouge, La., where she resides. Mary Stivers is a homemaker and has been involved in the Republican Party in Decatur, Ga. Don Sunquist is president of ...
Prior to this, he was a partner with the firm of Weintraub, Genshlea, Hardy, Erich & Brown, 1983-1987; Special Counsel to the Under Secretary for International Trade at the US. Department of Commerce, 1982-1983; and a White House fellow ...
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, National, 210 Woolsey, John M., 37 11. Work, Dr. Hubert, 111, 194 World Alliance for International Friendship, 269 n. World Court, 12, 275 Wriston, Henry M., 258 Wyman, A. Lee, 37 n.
[Laughter] I did appreciate—as Jack Nicklaus and you and Bob and Elliott Kahn and the others know—after a couple of hard weeks and a few more coming down the road, it was great to be here and to participate. You know I can't quite get ...
I want to thank all the men and women here at Fort McNair and all those who serve our country under our proud flag . We're grateful to each and every one ... On Monday , we launched " United We Serve , " our summer service initiative .
Inherent in the Declaration of Independence was the message: People can govern themselves. They can live in freedom with equal rights. ... Let us evaluate what is possible with the commonsense balance of what is practical.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
We must take steps to maintain an adequate supply of coins, or face chaos in the myriad transactions of our daily life—from using pay telephones to parking in a metered zone to providing our children With money for lunch at school.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Contains the papers and speeches of the 42d President of the United States that were issued by the Office of the Press Secretary during the period October 12, 2000 to January 20, 2001.
Public papers of the Presidents of the United States
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
... swings on the eve of retirement . There are or her life , and both spouses worked , which ways to make sure the system works . You're is very common in America today , both not going to be able to empty all your contributing to the ...
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States