This book is an English version of a successful text* on public policy analysis originally written for policy practitioners in Switzerland and France.
This text gives students a framework for analyzing public policy choices. The unique "political economy" approach focuses on the institutions and market processes that contribute to the solving of public problems.
Revised edition of the author's Public policy analysis, c2012.
... 236n41, 238n44 Rothman, J. 270n55, 271n60, 271n61, 272, 392 Rubin, D. B. 291n80 Russell, B. 78n29 Ryan, W. 80n32, ... K. 268n47, 338n43, 339n47 Sonnefeld, S. T. 55n79 Spilerman, S. 259n23 Stambaugh, R. J. 58n87, 405n15 Stanley, ...
599–686. A useful general-purpose handbook on these questions is Delbert C. Miller and Neil. J. ... 56 These researchers include Olaf Helmer, T. J. Gordon, and H. Hayward. Helmer is credited with coining the term cross-impact.
... 42 Anscombe, G. E. M., 356 Arrow, K. J., 46 Asch, P., 421 Ascher, W., 119, 120, 165 Bahl, R., 183 Baier, K., 312, ... A. M., 74 Charlesworth, J. C., 63 Cheremisinoff, P. N., 252 Cherns, A. B., 252 Chomsky, N., 347 Churchman, C. W., ...
60See James L. True, Frank R. Baumgartner, and Bryan D. Jones, “PunctuatedEquilibrium Theory: Explaining Stability and Change in American Policymaking,” in Theories of the Policy Process, ed. Sabatier, pp.
The book has as its major objective to describe the state-of-the-art and the latest developments in ex-ante policy analysis. It is divided into two parts.
Public Policy Analysis, the most widely cited book on the subject, provides readers with a comprehensive methodology of public policy analysis.Starting from the premise that policy analysis is an applied...
Taking a systematic approach, this text stresses the adequate formulation of policy problems as a crucial step in solving them. It emphasizes the need to understand the political contexts in...
Fox, C.J. and Miller, H.T. (1995) Postmodern public administration:Toward discourse, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ... Contribution à l'étude des instruments d'action de l'Etat, Paris: Publisud, pp 49-63.
Public Policy Analysis: Concepts and Applications