Public Sector Management

  • Public Sector Management: Mission Impossible?
    By Ian Chaston

    Thompson, S. (1999), Takeover stories drive Footsie back above 6,000, Financial Times, London, 28 September, p. 54. Thompson, S., Teo, H. and Pian, Y. (2003), A contingency perspective on Internet ...

  • Public Sector Management: Theory, Critique and Practice
    By Open University

    Legge , K. ( 1978 ) Power , Innovation and Problem - solving in Personnel Management . London : McGraw - Hill . McGowen , R. P. and Poister , T. H. ( 1983 ) ' Personnel - related management tools in municipal administration , Review of ...

  • Public Sector Management: Theory, Critique and Practice
    By Alan Lawton, David McKevitt

    These were unique among the members of the non-elected authorities in our study in that they saw neither the exercise of accountability nor that of control as problematic. They were as confident about their role as the local authority ...

  • Public Sector Management
    By Norman Flynn

    Housing Benefit Housing Benefit , a rent subsidy , is financed by central government but administered by local ... of the impact of the changes from 1997-2002 concluded that the effects of taxation and benefits changes on the income ...

  • Public Sector Management
    By Alberto Asquer, Norman Flynn

    More than half of the variation in attainment at key stage 4 can be explained by prior attainment at key stage 2. Measures of absolute attainment therefore need to be complemented by measures of the progress made by pupils – the value ...

  • Public Sector Management
    By Alberto Asquer, Norman Flynn

    11 Social Enterprises, NonProfits and the Third Sector Since 2010 UK governments have had explicit policies of encouraging the voluntary ('third') sector to participate in providing public services. The voluntary and notforprofit ...

  • Public Sector Management
    By Norman Flynn

    Now in its second edition, this overview of the organization and management of the public sector in the UK shifts the focus away from the 1980s by concentrating on the...

  • Public Sector Management: Some Aspects of Management
    By A. C. Mittal

    Public Sector Management: Some Aspects of Management

  • Public Sector Management
    By Norman Flynn

    Three of the aims were expressed as place-based outcomes (crime, community and housing) and three as people-based (education, health and worklessness). The programme required local collaboration among agencies.

  • Public Sector Management
    By Norman Flynn

    The highly-anticipated Sixth Edition of Norman Flynn’s Public Sector Management continues to provide students with an insightful, jargon-free description, analysis and critique of the management of the public sector by the UK government.

  • Public Sector Management: Mission Impossible?
    By Ian Chaston

    The book argues that public sector management theories evolved during the highly stable world of the second half of the 20th century, and they need reconsideration in a world being made increasingly uncertain due to the combined influence ...

  • Public Sector Management
    By Marcia L. Whicker, Todd W. Areson

    Intended as a text for master's level students in public administration and public policy, this volume provides an introductory survey of the field that focuses on the structures of operation, management, and environments of modern ...