This model of public speaking serves as a foundation as the text guides the reader through the step-by-step process of public speaking, focusing their attention on the importance and dynamics of diverse audiences, and narrowing the gap ...
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The 6th Edition has been updated to include contemporary examples, the latest research, and engaging new speeches. Revel is Pearson's newest way of delivering our respected content.
Public Speaking Handbook: A Liberal Arts Approach
Public Speaking Handbook: A Liberal Arts Approach
Adapted from the authors' top-selling public speaking text, Public Speaking Handbook provides a unique, audience-centered approach in a student-friendly reference format, allowing students to access information quickly and easily. Public...
For courses in Public SpeakingAn audience-centred approach to public speaking in a student-friendly reference format Public Speaking Handbook, 5th Edition emphasises the importance of analysing and considering the audience at every point in ...
Public Speaking Handbook
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Praised for their accessible content, student-friendly writing style, and audience-centered focus, these experienced authors help make this public speaking handbook the best of its kind available today.