For this new edition, the authors and editors of Puntos have turned to those very instructors to help formulate a plan that would respond to the needs of a changing discipline.
Puntos de Partida: An Invitation to Spanish
In this 20th Anniversary Edition, Puntos will continue to offer the most teacher- and student-friendly textbook on the market as well as a host of exciting new features, most notably a state-of-the-art Instructor's Edition.
Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish
Puntos de partida
Puntos De Partida: Selected Chapters
This Instructor Edition offers more teaching apparatus than any other introductory Spanish book on the market.
Puntos de Partida: An Invitation to Spanish
Puntos de Partida: An Invitation to Spanish
Puntos de Partida: An Invitation to Spanish
Workbook to be used with Puntos de Partida textbook.
The new edition of Puntos maintains its pioneer approach of the development of all four skills with a strong grammar and vocabulary foundation, as well as the teacher tested activities.