
  • Putin
    By Chris Hutchins

    Resembling a slightly taller version of Danny DeVito, he bobbed and weaved among Russia's political elite, offering opinions and dispensing favours. He spotted that the quickest route to the President was via his younger daughter, ...

  • Putin: His Downfall and Russia's Coming Crash
    By Richard Lourie

    This book serves as an essential primer on Putin and, by extension, Russia."—Publishers Weekly For reasons that are made clear in this book, Putin’s Russia will collapse just as Imperial Russia did in 1917 and as Soviet Russia did in ...

  • Putin
    By Philip Short

    The waiting room had a desk for Putin's assistant, a couch, a couple of chairs, and a display cabinet with some dusty trinkets.178 ... Like his boss, he was from a working-class background and had grown up in a poor suburb of Leningrad.

  • Putin: A Man's Manual of Manliness
    By Edward Rainshed


  • Putin: Una vita, il suo tempo
    By Philip Short

    Non possedevano molto altro perché Putin aveva ancora la passione per le automobili – Werner, l'autista del suo ufficio a ... La casa, di legno e priva di acqua corrente, era di proprietà del ministero degli Affari esteri sovietico.

  • Putin: Lo Zar del XXI secolo
    By Kay Larsson

    Sempre più isolato dal resto del mondo Putin appare come la caricatura dei dittatori degli anni '20, un dittatore fuori tempo massimo che vive in mondo parallelo al nostro. Peccato però che i risultati delle sue azioni siano morte e ...

  • Putin: His Downfall and Russia's Coming Crash
    By Richard Lourie

    Blowing Up Russia: The Secret Plot to Bring Back KGB Terror. New York: Encounter Books, 2007. ... Predicting Russia's Future: How 1,000 Years of History Are Shaping the 1990s. ... Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After the Fall.

  • Putin: A Psychographic Profile: Political Thriller
    By Vladimir Petrovich Zakharov

    This is a blatant lie. All special operation from beginning to end was secretly planned and carried out by one person, and the person's name is Vladimir Putin.

  • Putin: Russia's Choice
    By Richard Sakwa

    New to this edition: analysis of Putin's second term as President more biographical information in the light of recent research detailed discussion of changes to the policy process and the élites around Putin developments in state-society ...

  • Putin: Russia's Choice
    By Richard Sakwa, Professor of Russian and Foreign Policy Richard Sakwa

    Vladimir Putin has had a major domestic and international impact since being elected Russian President in March 2000 and yet remarkably little is known about the man in the West.

  • Putin: Russia's Choice
    By Richard Sakwa

    New to this edition: analysis of Putin's second term as President more biographical information in the light of recent research detailed discussion of changes to the policy process and the élites around Putin developments in state-society ...