Quality Improvement

  • Quality Improvement: Practical Applications for Medical Group Practice
    By Jeanine L. Barlow, Davis Balestracci

    Deming and Juran provide the two predominant quality philosophies followed by most organizations that implement the QI model . The late Dr. W. Edwards Deming was an American statistician who became an internationally known consultant .

  • Quality Improvement: A Systems Perspective
    By William Roth

    Hackman , R. and Suttle , L. , Improving Life at Work , Goodyear Publishing , Santa Monica , CA , 1977 . Hirose , K. , Corporate thinking in Japan and the U.S. , Jpn . Econ . Found . J. Jpn . Trade Ind . , May , 1989 , pp . 23–24 .

  • Quality Improvement
    By Finkelman

    uality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing serves as a comprehensive resource for teaching practicing nurses and nursing students about the importance of improving patient care and reducing errors through quality improvement.

  • Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing
    By Anita Finkelman

    This text is completely focused on teaching the importance of QI through patient care and error reduction.

  • Quality Improvement
    By Anita Finkelman

    The AHRQ published a guide to assist hospitals in reducing readmissions in adult, non-obstetric Medicaid beneficiaries and describes ... An effective readmission reduction program includes the following practices (HHS, AHRQ, 2014b, p.

  • Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing
    By Anita Finkelman

    Quality Improvement A Guide for Integration in Nursing, Second Edition is an integral resource for both nursing students and professionals.