Deming and Juran provide the two predominant quality philosophies followed by most organizations that implement the QI model . The late Dr. W. Edwards Deming was an American statistician who became an internationally known consultant .
Hackman , R. and Suttle , L. , Improving Life at Work , Goodyear Publishing , Santa Monica , CA , 1977 . Hirose , K. , Corporate thinking in Japan and the U.S. , Jpn . Econ . Found . J. Jpn . Trade Ind . , May , 1989 , pp . 23–24 .
uality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing serves as a comprehensive resource for teaching practicing nurses and nursing students about the importance of improving patient care and reducing errors through quality improvement.
This text is completely focused on teaching the importance of QI through patient care and error reduction.
The AHRQ published a guide to assist hospitals in reducing readmissions in adult, non-obstetric Medicaid beneficiaries and describes ... An effective readmission reduction program includes the following practices (HHS, AHRQ, 2014b, p.
Quality Improvement A Guide for Integration in Nursing, Second Edition is an integral resource for both nursing students and professionals.