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Quantitative Analysis For Management
For courses in Management Science or Decision Modeling. Render/Stair/Hanna puts an emphasis on model building and computer applications to show students how the techniques presented in the book are used in business.
Computer output is provided for many examples throughout the text. Teaching and Learning Experience This text provides a solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science.
Quantitative Analysis for Management
Quantitative Analysis for Management: A Custom Edition for Troy State University
Quantitative Analysis for Management: Test Bank
A user-friendly software package available for the fields of quantitative methods (QM), management science (MS), or operations research (OR).
Quantitative Analysis for Management
KEY BENEFIT: Easy to understand-even for learners with limited math backgrounds, this book uses a modeling approach to provide thorough coverage of the basic techniques in quantitative methods and focuses on the managerial applications of ...
For more intricate mathematical procedures, the 13th Edition offers a flexible approach, allowing instructors to omit specific sections without interrupting the flow of the material.
Quantitative Analysis for Management, 12e, is a textbook aimed at helping undergraduate and graduate students develop an in-depth understanding of business analytics, quantitative methods, and management science.
[This book] focus[es] on the application of mathematical models in decision-making. Emphasis is placed on model building and computer applications so that students see how these models are used in...
Quantitative Analysis for Management
Quantitative Analysis for Management
This sixth edition of Quantitative analysis for management continues to provide the reader with skills to apply the techniques of quantitative analysis in all kinds of organizational decision-making situations. The...
Quantitative Analysis for Management: Annotated Instructor's Ed
Quantitative Analysis for Management
Quantitative Analysis for Management: Custom Edition for the University of Massachusetts, Charlton College of Business
Quantitative Analysis for Management