Race, Class, and Gender

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    THE DIVERSITY OF AMERICAN FAMILIES 32 Eleanor Palo Stoller and Rose Campbell Gibson Our understanding of family , perhaps more than any other institution , is clouded by myth . Masking diversity among contemporary U.S. families is an ...

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    Updated to reflect the most current research and recent societal events, the readings in the 10th edition are especially timely, covering immigration and refugees, myths about immigrant crime, growing inequality, the role of social media in ...

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    Timely and diverse, this collection of articles by various authors addresses important and often controversial topics, such as prison, affirmative action, Muslim life in America, and the working poor, to provide readers with many different ...

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    Featuring an accessible and diverse collection of more than 60 writings by a variety of scholars, RACE, CLASS, & GENDER demonstrates how the complex intersection of people's race, class, and gender (and also sexuality) shapes their ...

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By Margaret L. Andersen

    Included in RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER are 64 interdisciplinary readings. The authors provide very accessible articles that show how race, class, and gender shape people's experiences, and help students to...

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By CENGAGE Learning, Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology

  • Race, Class, and Gender: Intersections and Inequalities
    By Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    This diverse collection of writings by a variety of authors demonstrates how the intersection of people's race, class, gender and sexuality shapes their experiences in U.S. society.

  • Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
    By Margaret L. Andersen, Patricia Hill Collins

    This best-selling anthology examines the interrelationship of race, class, and gender and explores how they have shaped the experiences of all people in the U.S. Drawing from an array of...