I once saw an Oprah show wherein supermodel Cindy Crawford dispensed makeup tips to the studio audience. Cindy had all these middle-aged women applying beauty products to their faces; she stressed how impor- tant it was to apply them in ...
Stacy gordon Welch, temple College President, Sigma Zeta Tau, the local chapter of Lambda Alpha Epsilon—the American Criminal Justice Association Stacy Gordon Welch is thirty-one and the single mother ...
Connect writing with your real life and the expectations of the larger world as Real Essays with Readings develops the skills you need to be a successful writer in everday situations.
This new edition has expanded rhetorical situation coverage, emphasizing the rhetorical triangle (audience, purpose, and author), and helping students think and read more critically.
This new edition has expanded rhetorical situation coverage, emphasizing the rhetorical triangle (audience, purpose, and author), and helping students think and read more critically.
Maintaining a strong connection to the real world, the second edition does more to build the skills that are essential for success in the essay-writing course and for other college-level work.
Real Essays with Readings: Writing for Success in College, Work, and Everyday Life
Real Essays with Readings: Writing Projects for College, Work, and Everyday Life