Record of Proceedings

  • Record of Proceedings

    Record of Proceedings

  • Record of Proceedings: International Labour Conference, 100th Session, Geneva, 2011

    International Labour Conference, 100th Session, Geneva, 2011 ... the Organization of African Trade Union Unity , in collaboration with the ILO Regional Office , ACTRAV , the Employment and Social Dialogue Sectors , and the Sudan Workers ...

  • Record of Proceedings

    Consejero técnico y delegado suplente MOLINA , Rubén , Sr. , Director General , Oficina de Asuntos Multilaterales y de Integración , Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores . TIRADO , Adriana , Sra . , COBOIEM .

  • Record of proceedings

    ( e ) stimulate cooperation and networking between educational institutions and companies ; ( f ) take into account ... for research on skills supply and demand dynamics , and stimulating international cooperation in this respect .

  • Record of proceedings

    43 Tripartite Meeting on Labour and Social Issues arising from Problems of Cross - border Mobility of International Drivers in the Road Transport Sector ( Geneva , 23–26 October 2006 ) ( GB.298 / STM / 3 and TMRTS / 2006 / 11 ) .

  • Record of proceedings

    ... of the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (the 1998 Declaration). ... 2008) that employment would be the first recurrent discussion item at the 99th Session (2010) of the Conference.